【Member Introduction】Our New Members of 2021

Our New Members

The NCCJ is continuing to grow. In 2021, we saw 7 new corporate members from a variety of sectors join the Chamber. We wish all new members a warm welcome to the NCCJ.

1. Urchinomics
2. Octroll
3. Hiroscantek
4. Ablaze
5. Flokk Asia
6. Orkla Asia Pacific

In addition, we have received a message from Orkla Asia Pacific, wishing to introduce themselves to you all.

For an overview of all NCCJ members, click here.

Orkla Asia Pacific

At Orkla Asia Pacific we are happy to bring Stabburet Makrell, a taste of home, to Japan. Jordan Asia Pacific is also happy to bring the wonderful oral care of Jordan to the Japanese market. It has been traditionally very difficult for foreign oral care brands to compete, but we feel that digital commerce and social media put every oral care brand on a level playing field. We are very keen to double down on social media, digital commerce, and other forms of communication. Moreover, we are very open to discussing any kind of collaboration or co-marketing ideas that any NCCJ members might have.

Jordan has three pillars:

Kids oral care: No. 1 in Kids in Scandinavia, Korea, and Malaysia and top seller on Amazon US. We are aiming to become one of the top brands for Kids oral care in Japan as well.
Sustainability: Jordan has not only the 100% sustainable Green Clean product, Jordan aims to become a sustainable oral care brand. Adult Hero brushes: Jordan is very proud that Jordan toothbrushes have won many awards for their attractive Scandinavian design and the ultrasoft brushes are extremely popular because once you try them you will become a fan. They are even big sellers in Costco Japan.

Orkla has been affiliated with the UN Global Compact since 2005 and actively supports the organisation’s ten principles for human and workers’ rights, the environment, and anti-corruption. Through this worldwide network of companies and organisations, Orkla takes part in a global mobilisation to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for2030, which were launched by the United Nations in 2015. Orkla joined the UN SDG compact in 2005 and develop the ambitious goal by 2025.

Please follow us on:

Instagram: (公)Jordan Japan @jordanjapan_official

Twitter: Jordan Japan 公式 @gojordanjapan