【Event Report】Tie-in, Tie Off: Christmas Networking Party

Christmas Party at Lilla Dalarna

On Thursday, December 9. the NCCJ members could finally meet in person for a networking party in central Tokyo. Accompanied by a variety of Nordic food and free-flow of drinks, business cards could be handed out to new acquaintances.

In addition to being a networking party, the event also marked the last edition of the NCCJ event series “Tie-in, Tie Off”. Throughout the year, members have gathered to share their insights and discuss matters of mutual importance. Despite the events having been held online, we saw a solid turnout and interesting presenters. The NCCJ would like to thank Mia Bernhardsen from the Norwegian Seafood Council, Yuzuru Goto from Sayfr, Anette Yamamoto-Hansen from Aker BioMarine, Kai Koto from Fuglen Tokyo, Natsuko Kawahara from Stokke Japan and Hiroshi Kamo from Autostore for their contributions to Tie-in, Tie Off in 2021.

The event series will continue in 2022, and we are hoping to invite our members for more physical events with networking opportunities and chances for fruitful learning and discussions.